Apply for Funding

The Foundation considers application for funding for projects from individuals / organisations that are considered by the Trustees to be of an educational purpose and for assistance to 'those in need'.

The geographical criteria incorporates:

  1. The area of Old Catton in Norwich
  2. The City of Norwich and its suburbs
  3. The County of Norfolk, where requested funding is applicable to projects involving children from Norwich.

A checklist for the Trustees criteria follows:

  • Name of your organisation
  • Mailing address
  • Contact numbers/email address
  • Is your organisation a registered Charity? (Yes/No)
  • Your Charity registration number
  • Is the application for a project within Norwich/Norfolk? (Yes/No)
  • If yes, please give brief details
  • If No, I am afraid the Foundation is unable to consider your application
  • Is it educational? (Yes/No)
  • Is the project for individuals up to the age of 24 (Yes/No)
  • Please give brief details of project
  • Cost of the project (£)
  • Funding requested (£)
  • Have you applied for funding from other Charities/Organisations (Yes/No)
  • Has this been successful (Yes/No)
  • How much has been given/pledged to date (£)

If the majority of the answers are YES, the Trustees will consider an application for consideration.

For guidance the Trustees meet three times a year in February, June and October. For your application to be considered these meeting it must be received by the Clerk not later than Mid-January, Mid-May and Mid-September to be included on the agenda for the next meeting.

Please send your application letter, a budget for the project requiring funding and a copy of the latest financial accounts for your Charity/Organisation to:

N F Saffell
Clerk to the Trustees
Alderman Norman Foundation
c/o Brown and Co
The Atrium
St Georges Street

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